米国 国防省 サイバーセキュリティ成熟度モデル認定委員会との覚書に署名




Department of Defense

・2020.06.01  DOD Signed Memorandum of Understanding With Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Accreditation Board

ENISA Getting ready for the next security incidents


ENISAが、"Getting ready for the next security incidents"という、文書を発行していますね。。。



・2020.05.29 Getting ready for the next security incidents


1- Report - Survey results

  • Survey among incident response teams in Europe;
  • Comparison with the 2011 survey.
  • [PDF]

2-  Report - Measures and information sources

  • Inventory of available methods, tools, activities and information sources;
  • Evaluation of identified measures and information sources.
  • [PDF]

3- Report - Good practices gap analysis recommendations

  • Analysis of the data gathered;
  • Recommendations.
  • [PDF]

4-  Online repository - GitHub

  • Information sources;
  • Measures and tools.





経団連 欧州委員会“A European strategy for data”への意見

欧州委員会が、2020.02.19に“A European strategy for data”を発表しましたが、経団連がこの報告書にコメントを付けていますね。


Europian Comission

・2020.02.19 (press) Shaping Europe's digital future: Commission presents strategies for data and Artificial Intelligence

・2020.02.19 (Questions and Answers) Shaping Europe's digital future – Questions and Answers

European data strategy

・2020.02.19 [PDF] A European strategy for data 

・2020.02.19 [PDF] European_data_strategy_en


Shaping Europe's digital future

Excellence and trust in artificial intelligence


の”A European strategy for data ”についてコメントをしているわけですが。。。



・2020.05.30 (仮訳版)欧州委員会“A European strategy for data”への意見



プレス記事( Shaping Europe's digital future: Commission presents strategies for data and Artificial Intelligence)の次の記載がまずはヨーロッパの出発点ですね。。。

The objective of the European data strategy is to make sure the EU becomes a role model and a leader for a society empowered by data. For this, it aims at setting up a true European data space, a single market for data, to unlock unused data, allowing it to flow freely within the European Union and across sectors for the benefit of businesses, researchers and public administrations. Citizens, businesses and organisations should be empowered to make better decisions based on insights gleaned from non-personal data. That data should be available to all, whether public or private, start-up or giant.

To achieve this, the Commission will first propose to establish the right regulatory framework regarding data governance, access and reuse between businesses, between businesses and government, and within administrations. This entails creating incentives for data sharing, establishing practical, fair and clear rules on data access and use, which comply with European values and rights such as personal data protection, consumer protection and competition rules. It also means to make public sector data more widely available by opening up high-value datasets across the EU and allowing their reuse to innovate on top.

Second, the Commission aims at supporting the development of the technological systems and the next generation of infrastructures, which will enable the EU and all the actors to grasp the opportunities of the data economy. It will contribute to investments in European High Impact projects on European data spaces and trustworthy and energy efficient cloud infrastructures.

Finally, it will launch sectoral specific actions, to build European data spaces in for instance industrial manufacturing, the green deal, mobility or health.

The Commission will also work to further narrow the digital skills gap among Europeans, and explore how to give citizens better control over who can access their machine-generated data.




NIST NISTIR 8259 Foundational Cybersecurity Activities for IoT Device Manufacturers, NISTIR 8259A IoT Device Cybersecurity Capability Core Baseline




● NIST - ITL - Computer Security Resource Center

・2020.05.29 NISTIR 8259 Foundational Cybersecurity Activities for IoT Device Manufacturers

 ・[PDF]  NISTIR 8259 (DOI)

・2020.05.29 NISTIR 8259A IoT Device Cybersecurity Capability Core Baseline

 ・[PDF] NISTIR 8259A (DOI)


NIST SP 800-204A Building Secure Microservices-based Applications Using Service-Mesh Architecture


NIST がマイクロサービスベースのアプリケーションをサポートするための堅牢なセキュリティインフラストラクチャを形成するプロキシベースのサービスメッシュコンポーネントの導入ガイダンスと公表していますね。。。


● NIST - ITL - Computer Security Resource Center

・2020.05.27 SP 800-204A Building Secure Microservices-based Applications Using Service-Mesh Architecture

・[PDF]  SP 800-204A (DOI)

Other Parts of this Publication: SP 800-204




NIST White Paper (Draft) - ポスト量子暗号への備え ポスト量子暗号アルゴリズムの採用と利用に伴う課題を探る




NIST - ITL - Computer Security Resource Center

・2020.05.26 White Paper (Draft) Getting Ready for Post-Quantum Cryptography: Explore Challenges Associated with Adoption and Use of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms

・[PDF] White Paper (DOI)

Supplemental Material:

 NCCoE applied crypto agility project - Considerations for Migrating to PQC Algorithms (other)

・ Post-Quantum Cryptography project (other)











